
Coach Spotlight: Becks Logan

By Life Tutors / May 29, 2021 / Comments Off on Coach Spotlight: Becks Logan

We know that our LifeTutors are the driving force behind our organization, as they are the people on the ground, supporting our LifeClients. All of our LifeTutors bring unique skillsets and talents to the table. Each one is so integral to the overall function of our team. We love to brag on our own, so…

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Mental Health Awareness: Demystifying Mental Health Concerns

By Chass Armstrong / May 21, 2021 / Comments Off on Mental Health Awareness: Demystifying Mental Health Concerns

Today, many individuals who are negatively impacted by mental health concerns, such as depression, anxiety and other common conditions, all too often avoid seeking treatment and support because of the continued associated stigma. This is one of the most profound and greatest tragedies of our time. But there is hope…

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The Inside of Depression

By Life Tutors / July 5, 2020 / Comments Off on The Inside of Depression

Most of us have felt depressed or low at one point or another. Someone may have even asked us when we were younger if we were depressed. Even if we didn’t know what the word meant for the most part, we could make sense of how it felt. We suddenly felt like life was meaningless.…

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Alcohol’s Place Among Maslow’s Pyramid

By Life Tutors / June 24, 2020 / Comments Off on Alcohol’s Place Among Maslow’s Pyramid

Maslow’s pyramid of human needs is a common reference tool when defining the separate tiers of what each and every person needs in life. It begins at the base, the physiological level, with things such as food, water, sleep, and warmth. Moving up, we find security: shelter and a sense of safety. The psychological needs…

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Destructive Manliness – A Culture of Denial

By Life Tutors / June 10, 2020 / Comments Off on Destructive Manliness – A Culture of Denial

“Just rub some dirt on it.” “Be a man.” “Man up and handle it, don’t be such a baby.” These statements are no stranger to men, and their intention is riddled with mis-guidances and flawed notions. Often these statements do much more harm than good, as they can make men reluctant to reach out for…

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Change Language, Change Minds

By Life Tutors / June 5, 2020 / Comments Off on Change Language, Change Minds

Language is the first glimpse into the mind. The language we use (and the vocabulary we learn) changes with us as we grow, but also begins to shift with our own emotions. From feelings of fear lending itself towards the selection of smaller, more concise words to anger creating, let’s say an unapologetically direct use…

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Help Wanted: Returning to Work After Treatment

By Life Tutors / May 28, 2020 / Comments Off on Help Wanted: Returning to Work After Treatment

Returning to work after substance abuse or mental health treatment is a necessary step that most people in recovery will have to take to be able to support themselves and lead an independent life. For some, getting a job or going back to work is a goal that signals major progress in their recovery—it’s an…

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I Made It Through Treatment. Now What?

By Life Tutors / May 18, 2020 /

First off, you should be very proud of yourself for seeking help and taking the necessary steps to get healthy. Making the commitment to join a treatment program is a huge accomplishment in itself—finishing one is an even bigger accomplishment. Congratulations on having the courage, fortitude, and inner strength to successfully complete your program. Not…

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Collegiate Recovery: College Students Returning to School in Recovery Face Unique Challenges

By Life Tutors / May 5, 2020 / Comments Off on Collegiate Recovery: College Students Returning to School in Recovery Face Unique Challenges

Recovery from mental health conditions along with substance use disorder (SUD) is something that everyone handles differently. The same is true for students who are returning to school after treatment or starting college with a history of emotional and behavioral challenges in high school. This transition to school can be very difficult for young adults…

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A Journey into Independence

By Chass Armstrong / April 8, 2020 /

Moving into the freedoms and responsibilities of early adulthood and independent living can be as overwhelming as it is exciting. Young adults entering the college experience, or venturing out into first apartments and work places often find added structure and support reassuring as they begin to make their way. For those transitioning to independence from…

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