LifeTutors understands that real life means travel plans, family get-togethers, and all sorts of other adventures. Now that it is officially summer, our young adult LifeClients are heading home to visit family and taking trips to reconnect with friends. Our LifeClients are on the move and we see this as positive momentum towards reaching their individual goals and leading a life they enjoy.
Our LifeClients are on the move and we see this as positive momentum towards reaching their individual goals and leading a life they enjoy.
It is our commitment to prevent a gap in service- a LifeClient having travel plans don’t mean the situation needs to result in a lapse of care. A lapse in care can cause unnecessary detriment for your young adult, such as derailing from goals, loss of motivation, and more.
LifeTutors is strategically equipped to continue serving and supporting our LifeClients, whether they are at home or abroad. Our entire program is tailored specifically to each LifeClient and their needs and accommodating travel plans are no exception. In fact, we see travel plans as a wonderful opportunity for growth. A change in a LifeClient’s daily environment or routine is an excellent scenario for them to put all of their hard-earned skills to work. These types of situations give them the opportunity to see how they can adapt to new situations, how they can hold themselves accountable, and overall test their resiliency.
Our skilled LifeTutors have worked with their LifeClients to create and develop plans for remote care that fits their travel plans and long-term goals. They have conducted many successful remote sessions via Zoom, Facetime, and over phone calls. Our utilization of a variety of methods and a tailored approach allows LifeClients to feel supported despite a new scenario being introduced. The LifeTutors team is dedicated to ensuring that all LifeClients can savor and experience the joys of traveling and vacations without having to put a pause on their development and growth.
The LifeTutors team is dedicated to ensuring that all LifeClients can savor and experience the joys of traveling and vacations without having to put a pause on their development and growth.
As part of their plan for remote care, our LifeClients often identify new short-term goals related to their travel plans that act as stepping stones to their long-term goals and aspirations for themselves. While this varies from client to client, we do see some common themes. Check out the infographic below to see how our LifeClients develop short-term goals related to their travel plans.
Does your young adult need a helping hand gaining independence and creating a fulfilling life of their own?
Call us today to see if LifeTutors would be the right fit for your young adult and family!
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