
LifeTutors provides clinically-informed, in-person, comprehensive coaching teams to support young adults and their families through life transitions and growth.  We are enthusiastic about working alongside consultants, clinicians and adjunct providers towards a young adults’ identified goals and unfolding developmental process.

Our coaches serve as a consistent touch point for our participants, while our Clinical Director offers a reliable communication hub for referents, therapists, and other supporting adults.

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About Us

LifeTutors was founded in 2018 to fill the specific gap in care between young adults transitioning from residential treatment back home to Western North Carolina. As our client base expanded, we noticed a more diverse range of needs and determined that our approach could be beneficial in other life transitions. LifeTutors answered the call to provide our clinically-informed coaching services nationwide.


I have collaborated with LifeTutors for years and they do great work with the clients they serve! I’m very happy with the services they offer and am so grateful for their hard work and dedication!

Carlyn D.

Staff from LifeTutors are great coaches; passionate about they do, well trained, and hands on.

Marshall W.

My experience with the staff at LifeTutors has been wonderful! Katie Smith, Program Director and Life Coach, explained their services well. They are interested in helping youth become independent.

Kim M.

LifeTutors’ coaches work hard to meet clients in the messy part of life where real learning and progress occurs!

Louise S.

We needed help for one of our kids that had social pragmatic communication disorder and borderline autism who was also having issues with organisation and planning and was floundering at college. Thankfully we found LifeTutors who helped him get back on track and have noticed a significant improvement in all the areas of concern.

Rupert S.-Newton

LifeTutors has been the crutch my daughter needed to get on track and become a happy, healthy adult. They have been a life saver!

Jocelyn S.

The staff at LifeTutors is so friendly and compassionate. They answered a lot of questions and offered great information. They were willing to go the extra mile to offer assistance.

Charlotte B.

Few programs guide participants like LifeTutors. It’s real. It’s compassionate. It truly is life changing. Highly recommend LifeTutors.

Jared WholeHEART

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