Finding The Right Therapist For You

Finding The Right Therapist For You Finding a new therapist can be a difficult process, and one we support our clients in often. The field of psychotherapy and counseling is filled with an array of professionals with unique specializations, skills, and services. Navigating finding, booking, and connecting with a therapist while searching for the best…

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A SMART New Year

A SMART NEW YEAR   No matter your resolve, January 1st can be one of the most inspiring dates of the year to set new goals. The New Year brings with it a fresh perspective, an allowance for change, and motivation to address old patterns or begin something new. Every year, many of us reflect…

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Finishing the Semester Strong

A Strong Ending to the Semester The period between Thanksgiving and the end of the academic year is an opportune time for students to get “off track” with their academic goals. With little time and final projects, papers, and exams looming, students may experience anxiety and become overwhelmed. If students have procrastinated, missed assignments, or…

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Tips for Mastering Holiday Stress

Tips for Mastering Holiday Stress   “Winter is coming”. The Starks are all right, eventually. And as we approach this beautiful time of year, we come together in ways that are unique for each of us. For some, celebrating the holidays makes for the best season of all- for others, it can be a stressful,…

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Coach Spotlight: Jana El Rifaii

Jana El Rifaii is a passionate coach serving our families in Orlando, Florida. Her creativity and capacity to hold space with others are just a few of the reasons she stands out as a leader and ambassador for LifeTutors.   Tell us a little about yourself. If I want to describe myself in one word,…

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School Starts WHEN?

School starts WHEN??  As you clicked your Google Calendar I think I heard a collective gasp at the fact that summer is mostly over and we are supposed to be gearing up for another school year. Personally, I would like to report a theft, because someone has clearly stolen June and July because it cannot…

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Some Kind of Summer

As we are in the midst of summer, many folks are balancing families, work, vacation, travel and perhaps school. Some kids may be in camp, some kids may be home and others just milling around.  It seems that depending upon the age of the kiddo – summer can be delightful or a minefield.  If you…

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Suicide: The Journey to Understand and the Challenge to End

There were lots of other blog topics that could have been covered this month, but given the news of the 3rd NCAA student athlete suicide and now the death ‘due to mental health’ of Naomi Judd, we would be remiss to not discuss mental health and suicide.   Over the course of my career prior to…

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Stress: It’s not all bad

Stress.  Everybody experiences it and most folks will say they have way too much.  Heck, you can search for memes on stress and wipe out days scrolling.  Whether pressure from COVID, work, school, finances, family, friendships, relationships, illness or mental health, many are juggling more balls than possible. Recent research identifies today’s young adults as…

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The Laws of Parenting

This guest article was graciously contributed by Greta Lutman, LCMHC-NC, LCAS-NC, LPC-GA. Greta is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor that specializes in life transitions, parenting, adoption, family conflict, and young adult identity & functioning. Serving as one of our parent coaches, Greta helps parents learn beneficial and effective parenting skills. With support, parents can begin…

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