Answering The Call
Consultants for young adults and their families in the Southeast were consistently identifying the need for real time coaching services, integration and wellness support while transitioning from residential treatment before LifeTutors was born.
Their asks regularly included:
Determining a therapist, a psychiatrist, and other providers
Support with garnering employment, enrolling, or in most cases, re-enrolling in college, or discovering a trade
Securing housing- exploring either the process of obtaining independent living for the first time or the evolution of the relationship between adult parent and adult child as housemates
And any and all aspects of independent living: budgeting, shopping, relationships, med management, emotional regulation, community engagement, and everything in between.
Who does one call to do all of these things: Vocational rehabilitation programs? Case management? Educational consultants? A life coach? A tutor? Medication management programs? College consultants? Parent coaches?
Who can the family rely on for ethical coordination and across the board continuity of all of these services? How can this process be consolidated in a linear, meaningful, and impactful way?
LifeTutors was created in 2018 to do just that. We began serving families in Asheville, North Carolina and have expanded our reach throughout the Southeast in the past five years through word of mouth and referrals only. Our clinically-informed, coaching and mentoring wraparound service has grown as we’ve planned- sustainably and with integrity to our model. Our LifeCoaches are certified in Dr. Jared Dupree’s WholeLife™ Model, and we offer parent coaching for our families and guardians. We have begun making connections over every corner of the country at the behest of those who want our support. We did the research and streamlined our services with attention to every detail, ensuring we had the best systems in place to provide exceptional care no matter who or where we serve.
With pride, LifeTutors announces we are opening our doors (and phone line!) to those beyond the Southeast. If we’re a good fit for one another, we won’t let a thing like distance stop us from helping.
Call us to talk about it at 828-417-7122 or [email protected]. We’ll answer.
To report LifeTutors to The Joint Commission, click here.