Since September of 2021, the LifeTutors team has been learning, growing, studying, practicing, embodying, and loving the WholeLIFE™ coaching framework. WholeLIFE™ allows space for us, as individual coaches with varied backgrounds and experience, to shine our own lights into the coaching relationship.
WholeLIFE™, as the name suggests, keeps in mind first and foremost that individuals are multifaceted, complicated, messy, beautiful, and also inherently whole at all points in time. As coaches, we walk alongside young adults who are exploring what this means for them; who are constantly wrestling with unwelcome interruptions or unhelpful patterns. We have the privilege of helping them integrate all of these pieces into the greater whole that is their life’s experience.
We, as LifeTutors coaches, embrace the key WholeLIFE™ principle that, “[It] is an approach to health and wellness based on theory and research that supports collaborative care and comprehensive coaching considering all areas of one’s life.” Our model puts the young adult at the center of their own wellness journey, giving them voice to speak to what is important to them and developing strategies and habits that will help them reach their goals.
A key tool that we utilize both formally and informally in coaching appointments is the Life Integration Wheel. The Life Integration Wheel explores balance across all life domains to include relationships with others, life purpose, one’s emotional self, financial wellness, play & fun and more. Participants rate these categories from 1 – 10 and then dig into how balanced (or unbalanced) their life is at that particular moment in time. Goals have been set, heart-felt conversations have ensued, awareness has been raised, and growth has been celebrated through the regular and repeated use of this tool. The Life Integration Wheel gives a visual representation of one’s life experience at any given moment and allows the young adult to lean into their inherent power to create the life that they ultimately desire.
Connect with us to learn more about this beautiful partnership between LifeTutors and Dr. Jared DuPree’s WholeLIFE™ coaching framework! We love sharing how this partnership impacts the lives of the young adults we serve.
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