It’s easier than ever to go online, pay a nominal fee, and become a “certified life coach”. There is no board to regulate life coaching and what it entails in any state. Anyone can call themselves a life coach, and assert their agenda upon an unsuspecting victim who is reaching out for guidance and support. With no regulation and a sea of “influencers”, how do we decide who to hire? It comes down to three things: education & experience, teachability and alignment with our values.
Education & Experience
Education is the first thing we look for in new hires. Typically we look for a master’s degree from applicants or work with graduate students. We tend to hire those with a degree in education, social work, or mental/behavioral health. Several of our LifeCoaches are in graduate school for counseling, and we have one coach getting a PhD in Educational Leadership. Although formal education is not the only factor in what makes an excellent coach, we are proud to have staff with degrees, certifications and experience in a multitude of areas.
Our WholeLife ™ model is a constant throughout our areas of service, providing continuity of care and consistency. Each of our LifeCoaches must be willing to commit and begin our WholeLife ™ Certification process to work with our clients. This includes an online training module, clinical supervision, and fifty hours working face-to face- with our clients. Our LifeCoaches work in pairs with clients, and they in turn work with our Program and Clinical Directors who guide them in our model and processes. Our coaches do in-services with each other during our monthly Coach Roundtable, and LifeTutors provides additional training throughout the year including Motivational Interviewing and Mental Health First Aid.
Alignment With Values
We only hire LifeCoaches to join our team who we believe embody our values.
The foundation of the relationships we create with our families is respect. We understand everyone is different, and refrain from judgment to promote dignity, well being and pride. We encourage our LifeClients to foster respect for themselves, their family, and their community with positive choices and decision making.
Lasting change begins with trust; both trust in yourself and trust in those around you. At LifeTutors, we foster trust by continuously supporting the goals of our LifeClients and by instilling confidence that our clients have the tools that they need in order to reach them.
We empower each other to own our choices. We believe positive behavioral change can only happen when we acknowledge how and why our decisions affect ourselves and those around us, and the natural consequences of our actions.
We act in full transparency, with honesty at the forefront of every interaction we engage in. We are committed to being dependable, ethical, and responsible throughout every step of our journey together.
We believe that lasting change is supported best by a wide ranging support system. Our LifeCoaches work alongside families as well as a myriad of ancillary providers to create the conditions that support growth in each individual.
We hire an array of LifeCoaches with different specialties and niches! Think you’ve got what it takes? Email [email protected] to find out how YOU can become part of our growing team!
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