Trey Crispin is a gentle giant! He is soft spoken and approaches our LifeClients with tenderness and compassion. His excellent reflective listening and motivational interviewing skills allow him to act as a mirror for our LifeClients. You will often hear him saying, “so what I hear you saying is….”. He cares greatly about others and has many talents that he brings to his work as a LifeCoach for LifeTutors.
While he is thoughtful and reserved, once you get to know him, he will tell you that he grew up in a dysfunctional family system and that in his early adulthood, he was angry and resentful most of the time. He said that often he would get singled out and profiled as an angry, scary, intimidating person.
How has Trey changed over the years from being angry and aggressive as a young man, to this person who most frequently exudes patience and concern for others?
He would tell you that one of the major life influences was his work to learn the art of Tai Chi and Chi Gong—ways to learn to discipline his body through movement. By becoming more aware of his breath, and the way his body holds stress, he has been able to calm his nervous system.
By becoming more aware of his breath, and the way his body holds stress, he has been able to calm his nervous system.
Also, in one of Trey’s many jobs/vocations, he has been a chef. He helps young adults understand the relationship between the food they put into their bodies and their mental health. He enjoys teaching young adults about things such as mindfulness, mind-body connections, healthy cooking and eating, and thriving while on a limited budget. Trey is very clear that he is on his own life journey and that his job as a LifeCoach is to support forward movement of his LifeClients, by supporting them, walking beside them, providing encouragement and inviting them into a relationship.
Trey has been working for LifeTutors for 2 years, and we appreciate the partnership we share with him in helping our young adults learn resiliency and to begin to build confidence in themselves through help and connection to our “gentle giant”!
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