Through our work, we’ve seen time and time again the power of community. Community gives us strength, resources, and a sense of belonging and purpose.

Connect today to explore how we can become part of your community as we work together to build confidence and independence for yourself or someone you know.

Right here :)

There is no cut off- we ask you try us for three months minimum and give us one month’s notice should you like to conclude. Most young adults work with us for about a year.

With your permission, we include your full support team. This looks different for everyone yet most everyone includes their therapist, prescribing provider, parents, and any other specialist who might be part of their regular care team.

Coaching is not diagnosing or treating you- you’re not broken and you don’t need to be fixed. Coaching is designed to help you reach your own conclusions and carve your own path- we’re just doing the work alongside until you’re ready on your own. Coaching is set apart by the way a coach approaches a conversation with a client. Coaches do not teach but help you through a process of discovery by using active listening skills, asking powerful questions, expanding thought processes, identifying limited beliefs, designing action steps and following up.

If you are a great fit for LifeTutors yet in an area that’s new to us- no worries! Our team will hire and train experienced professionals with your specific needs and preferences in mind. The goal is to always find a great match for each individual we work with, not just whoever is available.

If we have coaches in your area, we can get started in about a week! If we need to hire new coaches it can take a few weeks- we offer virtual coaching in the interim.

Coaching appointments last anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes. There can be room to extend a coaching appointment for a special circumstance and if needed (for example: you're attending a two hour job fair and need coach support).

You’ll decide this together once you get started. Our coaches work with you to schedule sessions when and where it fits best in your life. Don’t worry- you don’t have to see us on weekends :)

You can find them here.

Are you tired of people telling you what you need to do and change? Are you tired of talking about what needs to change and are ready to do something about it? We’re here to help you create the change you want to see in your life, rather than tell you what that is.

You and your coaches will decide this together, based on your goals. LifeTutors appointments happen in a public park, coffee shop, your home, your college campus, the DMV, the gym, the dentist’s office, and on and on and on! Your appointment location is centered around your goals and where in the community you’ll make progress toward them. Our motto is “service without walls” meaning we work with you where you need it.

You’ll meet your coaches anywhere from 2-5 times each week. You’ll determine together, with the Clinical Director, how many appointments are right for you.

You’ll work with a coach team (so 2 coaches) and you’ll also have the support of the Program and Clinical Directors at any given time.

Our young adults are all intelligent and capable people who seek more out of life than they currently are experiencing- they’re curious, motivated, and willing to do the work to achieve their goals. Participants often are looking for support in executive functioning (things like time management, organization, getting efficiently from point A -> point B) and support in reaching their goals toward independence. We often help folks with housing, job search, their collegiate track, and getting involved in their community. Our young adults have received diagnoses or a combination of issues including depression, anxiety, ADD, and ASD to name a few. Some of our young adults have been in treatment for eating disorders, mental health concerns, or substance use in the past.

LifeTutors is a coaching and mentoring program for young adults seeking wellness in all aspects of their lives and support with executive functioning and independent living skills. We are non-residential, meaning you live in your home (not a residence hall) when we work together. LifeTutors provides one-on-one support with trained professionals who are there to help you execute action-oriented items necessary to complete your goals. Whether it’s finding a job, obtaining housing, academic support, or executive functioning tasks, there is no task too big or too small.

If we currently have LifeTutors coaches in your city, our admissions process from the first phone call to a coach at your door can take as little as one week. If we hire coaches in new territories, we ask for 4-6 weeks lead time if possible to assemble and onboard our certified coaches.

Call us at 828-417-7122 or email [email protected]. Our admissions specialist will schedule a time with you. If our services are a good fit we will guide you through our intentionally simple yet thorough admissions process: an application fee, questionnaires for yourself and your young adult The collection of prior treatment information if applicable & an intake with your young adult and our clinical director. Once our Clinical Director meets with your young adult, they will determine if our services are an appropriate level of care. If so, we will match or hire coaches, train if applicable, and begin services.

We are currently using two tools to track data outcomes: We use a number of measurables such as The Life Integration Wheel by Dr. Jared Dupree in our WholeFIT™. Our tools accurately and effectively _______ aspects of the young adults’ life as these relate to each goal and the overarching _______. We use these to both set and review goals as well as monitor overall progress. The Life Integration Wheel is applied with each young adult at specific intervals and organically in sessions

LifeTutors hires experienced, educated coaches with a background in social work, mental health, and education, who have worked with young adults in the past with a variety of diagnosis and executive functioning challenges. We typically partner with those holding a master’s degree and/or coaches with a clinical or related background.

Coaching sessions include but are not limited to a variety of executive functioning support in: Time management skills, home and personal hygiene goals, academic progress, budgeting and financial literacy, meal preparation and shopping, vocational goals, community engagement, family and peer relationships and personal development, and more.

Our services are prepaid and performed on a month-to-month basis. They can be canceled at any time. You are never locked into a contract with us. We do, however, ask for a three month commitment up front, and a thirty day notice of cancellation for professional best practices. We also ask for a thirty-day notice when terminating services before graduation for professional best practices with each young adult we serve.

We typically work with our clients for 8-12 months. This is the usual time frame for clients to identify and execute both short and long term goals yet this may vary depending on individual needs. Our team continually monitors the growth and progress of each young adult and we step down in levels of care (or how many times per week we see our young adult) as they build the confidence and skills necessary to manage independently.

LifeTutors offers coaching anywhere from two to five times per week. Coaching sessions last 60-90 minutes, and are in-person.

There are several key differences between LifeTutors and other coaching companies.

  1. We are a nationally-accredited coaching service through The Joint Commission
  2. Our services are in-person, nation wide
  3. We are clinically informed: Our clinical team and other licensed professionals guides coaches and monitors progress
  4. We include family updates and care coordination to the entire care team, including all ancillary providers
  5. We include parent coaching in our services
  6. Each young adult is paired with a coaching team consisting of two coaches along with our Clinical and Program Directors.

Our model consists of having two coaches in your area, in-person, to offer executive functioning and life skills coaching in real time. There are some instances where virtual coaching is recommended and this is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Independence and periods of transition present opportunities as well as challenges for personal and professional growth in the life of every young adult. Young adults with executive functioning challenges may find it difficult or even impossible to effectively manage these alone. LifeTutors provides individuals with the necessary real-time tools, skill and techniques to build their self-confidence, independence, and ability to be successful in all facets of their lives. Coaches go where other professionals do not- home, school, and community- wherever your young adult needs guidance, support and accountability. Trained coaches can help identify, employ, and evaluate tools and strategies that address your young adult’s specific needs and executive functioning skills- when and where they need it. Our coaches individualize their approach depending on goals, ability, capacity, and their motivation for change. Coach teams and clients co-create the lives young adults wish to see for themselves Real-time goals usually look like finding jobs, apartments or navigating the challenges of being adult housemates with parents or peers; academic or vocational goals, budgeting, home and personal hygiene, peer relationships, appropriate social engagement, prioritizing time management and so much more. We help our young adults by supporting them in each life domain to be happy, independent, successful, and experience a well balanced life. Goals are determined by the young adult themselves and our work is always customized to individual need.

Theoretically, the LifeTutors framework is based around 12 months. That said, each young adult program is tailored to their own needs and completion is denoted by goal achievement, with Level of Care being determined on a monthly basis.

Young adults and their coaches set goals that will bring them closer to independence within the first few weeks of service and begin working toward meeting them from day one. These goals and strategies toward meeting them are reported out weekly in updates.

We establish open and direct lines of communication between all providers and care team members, provide weekly updates to the full team and schedule team meetings regularly with young adults included in the conversation. We are committed to transparency in all communication in the interest of supporting each young adult in the most effective and sustainable.

Right here.

We began serving young adults and their families throughout the United States in 2023 and we really took our time arriving here! We’d been asked countless times whether we were willing to provide our coaching services in other geographic areas outside of the southeast- and our answer was always ‘not yet’. We did our homework, we listened to provider requests, we developed relationships throughout the U.S. and took every intentional step in this direction to meet the need. By utilizing our strengths-based, holistic coaching model and streamlining our internal training for all coaches, we are confident that we are able to deliver continuity of services across geographic regions throughout the U.S. and we are seeing successes across the U.S. in the same way we have a lot closer to where we began in the Southeast.

This is one of the most important decisions we make and we identify level of care in partnership with the young adults and their supporters. Our clinically informed intake is designed to explore the young adult’s history and current life snapshot, and identify what pace of services will match the young adults needs and goals. We ask questions that are designed to show us what type of coach a client will be best matched with for best outcomes in the client-coach relationship. We take all aspects and the young adult history, personality, personal preferences, perceived deficits and protective factors and many others into consideration when making this determination.

Our model includes:

  • A holistic exploration of 12 young adult specific life domains, identifying points of strength as well as growth edges
  • Identification of intrinsic motivators and desired outcomes
  • Strategic development towards short & long-term goals
  • Coaching relationship anchored in authenticity, respect and trust, mutual respect, personal responsibility, in the young adults inherent drive to grow
  • Action oriented coaching wellness (?) plan to craft young adult’s path towards incremental and ultimate independence
  • Integration of skills, strategies and strengths within various life domains
  • Our clinically informed model allows coaches to stay in the coaching lane while our team collaborates with partnering clinicians, consultants and families.

All of our coaches hold bachelors or masters degrees and/or equivalent experience in professional and coaching services. Some of our coaches are licensed mental health clinicians while others hold credentialing in areas such as financial literacy, vocational specialities, teaching and/or college instruction, wilderness therapy, nutrition, health and human service sciences, professional wellness training, etc. All of our coaches are certified in our Whole Life Coaching (™) model and are provided with clinical supervision.

We do not provide therapy, rather we partner with community based and/or a client’s existing therapists as a part of the full young adult support team. We recognize the importance of trust and continuity that most often occurs within these relationships and that these therapeutic relationships will nearly always outlast our time limited work with our young adults. Often, our real-time coaching work can be viewed as a home and community based arm of action, or practice, outside of the therapist’s office.

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